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2. Steel JL, Carr BI, Olek M, Gamblin TC. Health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with hepatobiliary carcinoma. U.S. Gastroenterology Review 1:87-90; 2007.

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5. Steel JL, Dunlavy A, Friday M, Kingsley K, Brower D, Unruh M, Tan H, Shapiro R, Peltz M, Hardoby M, McCloskey C, Sturdevant M, Humar A. Recommendation for the development of practice guidelines for ILDAs. In Steel JL (Ed) Living Donor Advocacy: An evolving role in transplantation. New York NY: Springer Publishing; 2014.

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7. Brodie B, Green A, Steel JL. Health Disparities within Kidney and Liver Transplantation. In Copeland V. (Ed) Contemporary Issues for People of Color: Surviving and Thriving in the U.S. Today. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

8. Carr F, Ahmed N, Dew MA, DiMartini A, Steel JL. Psychosocial issues in hepatocellular carcinoma. In BI Carr (Ed.), Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 3rd edition. New York, NY: Spring Publishing; 2016.

9. Pathak R, Cheng H, Kociusko R, Wang Y, Rajput M, Brindley E, Steel JL. Psycho-biological mechanisms and risk factors with tumors In Egle, Heim, Strauß, von Känel (Ed.) (2018) Psychosomatische Medizin. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.

10. Dew MA, Myaskovsky L, Steel JL, DiMartini AF (2019). Posttransplant psychosocial and mental health care of the renal recipient. In: Y Sher, J Maldonado (Eds.), The psychosocial care of end-stage disease and transplant patients, pp. 119-136. NY: Springer Publishing

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